ICAESS Proceeding
ICAESS Proceedings 2024 will be published by Atlantis Press and will be submitted to be indexed by Scopus and WoS (https://www.atlantis-press.com/industry-affiliations/indexing-databases)

Join us at the International Conference on Applied Engineering 2024!
Envision a future where a thriving green economy coexists with smart cities and digital advancements. This conference is your launchpad to explore how these forces can revolutionise industries and practices. Dive into discussions on circularity, smart city optimization, and sustainable resource management through the lens of applied engineering. Witness cutting-edge innovations and collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders – engineers, policymakers, and sustainability experts – to craft a resilient and thriving future.
The "Envisioning a Sustainable Future" Conference is your chance to be part of the solution. Engage in thought-provoking sessions, network with like-minded individuals, and help shape a future where a green economy, smart cities, and digitalization work together to create a more sustainable and prosperous world. Don't miss this opportunity to be a catalyst for change!
Topic of Interest Include (but are not limited):
- Control Systems and Mechanical Engineering
- Economic Development
- Sharia Economy
- Banking
- Taxation
- Commercial Insurance
- Finance
- Auditing
- Governance and Internal Control System
- Management Control System
- Capital Market and Risk Management
- Tax Management
- International Tax
- Management Information System
- Quantitative Management Business
- Management Strategy
- Cost Management
- Business Law
- Operational Management
- Financial Management
- Accounting Theory
- Sharia Accounting
- Computer Accounting
- Public Sector Accounting
- Tax Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting and Budgeting
- Cost Accounting
- Accounting Information System
- Accounting Practices of Commerce
- Auditing
- Governmental Accounting
- Banking
- International Accounting
- Accounting Education
- Social Accounting
- Behavioural Accounting
- Accounting Technology
- Soft Computing
- Sharia Management
- Business Administration
- Hotel Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Sales and Marketing
- Transportation Management
- Industrial Management
- Information Management
- Retail Management
- Secretariat
- International Business
- Trading and e-Commerce
- Good Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Communication and Media Management
- Stenography
- Service Excellence
- Office Management
- Web Design
- Quality Management
- Human Resources Management
- Business and Professional Ethics
- Leadership and Change Management
- Entrepreneurship and Business Plan
- Project Management
- Organizational Behavior and Culture
- Entreprise Resources Planning
- Decision Making Analysis
- Social Welfare
- International Relations
- Gender
- Disability Studies
- Public Policy
- National Resilience
- Development Studies
- Regional Studies (ASEAN, Asia, etc.)
- Cultural Studies
- Tourism
- Competitiveness Studies
- Religious Education in Industrial era 4.0
- English for Professional Communication
- Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- Citizenship Studies
Edas Code | Title | Authors |
1571065102 | The Influence of Tax Burden, Tunneling Incentives, Foreign Ownership, and Bonus Mechanism on Transfer Pricing | Ananda, Silvia; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571066115 | The Effect of Green Accounting Implementation on Improving the Environmental Performance | Saputri, Nisa; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571066145 | The Influence of Green Accounting and Intellectual Capital on Firm Value | Rismawanti, Rismawanti; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571066148 | The Effect of Sustainability Report Disclosure on Company Value | Hernisa, Hernisa; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571066789 | The Influence of Investment Decisions and Funding Decisions on Shareholder Value | Faramita, Nadia; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571066800 | Determinants of Individual Investor Behaviour in Stock Investment Decisions | Ervira, Yolla; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571068438 | Implementation of Green Accounting Based on University Social Responsibility at Batam State Polytechnic | Sari, Nanda Atika; Sumarna, Alfonsa Dian |
1571075725 | Standard Operating Procedure Design for Accounts Receivable Collection | Amelia, Lia; Riadi, Sugeng |
1571075761 | Request Consumable Goods Process: A Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure Design | Saruksuk, Judika Tharuly; Riadi, Sugeng |
1571076180 | Study on Techno Economy and Business Regulatory for 5G NSA 700 MHz at Makassar City | Irham, Muhammad Irham; Pudjiastuti, Rina; Nashiruddin, Muhammad Imam |
1571076399 | ACHIEVING EFFICIENT INVENTORY MANAGEMENT THROUGH THE ADOPTION OF INVENTORY TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS AT TDA SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) COMMUNITY IN BATAM CITY | Harlan, Fandy Bestario; Amalia, Diah; Hati, Shinta Wahyu; Nizan, Muhamad Sahrul; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia; Dinuka, Vina Kholisa; Failasuf, Banu; Olifia, Jessica |
1571076871 | Understanding the Reporting Process of Income Tax Article 23 on Consultant Services on e-Bupot Unification | Gustriyani, Ridatul |
1571076932 | Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedure Receiving Process at Artotel Batam in Hotel Industry | Dinuka, Vina Kholisa; Asyura, Putri |
1571076937 | Work Instruction Pada Data Entry PT Epson Batam | Anjelina, Anjelina |
1571076938 | Work Instruction Disposal Asset at PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam | Dinuka, Vina Kholisa; Sinaga, Fresi Aulina |
1571076941 | Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Motor Vehicle Tax Amnesty Program at the Batam Centre Samsat Office | Darmawan, Arif; Siregar, Nurhayati |
1571076990 | SOP for Recording Administration of Fixed Asset Purchases for Department of Transportation the Batam City | Lanniari HS, Rizki; Fadhilah, Suci |
1571077200 | Design of Cashier and Accounting Procedure in PT KSM Katering Batam | Arifah, Arifah; Riadi, Sugeng |
1571077254 | Planning and Control of Raw Materials for Gong-Gong Snacks with the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method | Putri, Arinda |
1571077257 | Planning an Control of Raw Materials for Gong-Gong Snacks with the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method | Putri, Arinda |
1571077283 | Planning and Control of Raw Material for Gong-Gong Snacks with the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method | Putri, Arinda |
1571077399 | Manual Book for Invoice Issued | Irsutami, Irsutami |
1571077409 | Customized Sofi Cloud System Manual Book Updates | Situmorang, Ivano Manimbul |
1571077415 | Analysis of Fixed Asset Management PT TESE Manufacturing Indonesia | Khairunnisa, Firly; Lawita, Nadia Fathurrahmi |
1571077420 | Determines the Level of Materiality in the Financial Statements | Zelmiyanti, Riri |
1571077422 | Analysis of the Effectiveness Level of Implementing SOP for the Logistics Department at PT PCI Elektronik Internasional | Zelmiyanti, Riri |
1571077428 | Partial Improvement of Audit Program | Irsutami, Irsutami; Priyanto, Ferdian Bagoes |
1571077434 | Prosedur Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran di PT Rotary Engineering Indonesia | Anjelina, Anjelina |
1571077441 | Compliance Audit of Work Instructions on Cutting Department in PT Bintan Bersatu Apparel | Raja Guk Guk, Gresia Eka Yunita |
1571077450 | Improving the Efficiency of Non-Individual Transactions Through the BRK Syariah CMS Guidebook | Rahmah, Annisa Siti |
1571077451 | Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Invoice Management | Hasanah, Afriyanti |
1571077510 | Analysis of the Implementation of A Computer-Based Accounting Information System at PT Timah Tbk Kundur Region | Lawita, Nadia Fathurrahmi; Utami, Rahma Agustina |
1571077529 | Payment Procedure Documentation for Accounts Payable | Irsutami, Irsutami |
1571077537 | Polibatam Tax Volunteers | Hasanah, Afriyanti; Anjelina, Anjelina; Madyanigrum, Marcella Yudit |
1571077549 | User Manual of Ruang Doremi: A Guide to Enhancing BUMDes Financial Reporting for Village Communities | Hasanah, Afriyanti; Andriani, Putri |
1571077550 | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Settlement of Invoice from Vendors at PT Persero Batam | Kurniawan, Dedi |
1571077551 | Calculation and Reporting Annual Personal Income Tax Return | Fajriati, Nur Halimah |
1571077556 | Standard Operational Procedure for Managing Petty Cash Expenditures at PT Air Mas Batam Jaya | Kurniawan, Dedi |
1571077557 | Manual Book of SofiCloud | Hulaila, Hurrin |
1571077558 | Inventory Card Recording Stages at PT Lautan Lestari Shipyard | Kurniawan, Dedi |
1571077559 | Standard Operating Procedure & Operation Instruction | Rachmawati, Nanda Ayu Nur |
1571077564 | Draft Manual Book Related to Invoice Generation Process Using Epicor Kinetics Software | Cahyani, Indah Gita |
1571077565 | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) & Operation Instruction (OI) | Rachmawati, Nanda Ayu Nur |
1571077661 | Calculation of Deprecistion of Fixed Assets at PT. XYZ | |
1571077667 | Fishbone Analysis for Receivables Collection Problems in the Industry of Marine Products | Mayasari, Mega |
1571077668 | Calculation Depreciation of Fixed Assets at PT. XYZ | Maheri, Grisyeva Nafish Fadilah |
1571077682 | Trademark and Service Mark Registration Guide at PT Lim Konsultan Indonesia | Sabrina, Nova |
1571077688 | How Do the Step Prepare Financial Statements in Polibatam Software Team? | Mayasari, Mega |
1571077689 | Analysis of Archive Management at PT Batam Jaya Propertindo | Sinarti, Sinarti; Anjani, Rizka Muji |
1571077700 | Standard Operating Procedure Goods Receiving Process at Asialink Hotel | Damayanti, Yolanda Ruth |
1571077727 | The Calculation Process of Personal Income Tax for Permanent Employees in the Implementation of the Average Effective Rate (TER) with the Gross-Up Method Approach (Case Study at PT Perusahaan Daerah) | Kurniawan, Dedi |
1571077784 | Feasibility Study for Implementation of MPLS L3VPN Network in Jakarta | Nang Galih, Brilliant Syifaa; Sudjai, Miftadi; Jumhur, Helni |
1571077791 | Men Vs Women: Gender Equality in Accounting Profession | Mahendra, Uchi Anggraini; Tamba, Albiner; Slamet, Muhammad Ramadhan |
1571077796 | Manual Book of Witness for Stock-Opname Activities PT Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam | Darmawan, Arif |
1571077830 | Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedures for Petty Cash Central Group Batam | Halim, Muhammad Irsyad; Cahyani, Hairunnisa |
1571077837 | Guide to Inputting Transaction Evidence in Financial Statements Using the GF Application Accounting | Lawita, Nadia Fathurrahmi; Enjelia, Stefany |
1571077839 | How to Ensure That Payments for Goods and Services are Not Hampered | Batubara, Wahyuni Febriyanti; Lawita, Nadia Fathurrahmi |
1571077846 | Design of Standard Operating Procedures for Inventory Management with Stock Opname at TM Ping Pong | Slamet, Muhammad Ramadhan; Prayoga, Miko Sandi |
1571077850 | Manual Book for the Process of Claiming Employee Overtime Pay on the PISI Submission Website | Khairani, Aisyah Rahmita |
1571077852 | Buku Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi Timah e-UMD | Anjelina, Anjelina |
1571077855 | Standart Operational Procedure: The Evaluations of Effectiveness SOP in Internal Audit Unit | Wulandari, Febrina; Hijriah, Debi |
1571077856 | Analysis of the Client's Financial Performance of PT Bisnis Indonesia Persada Tax Consultant Office | Amalia, Diah; Silalahi, Angelika Marta |
1571077857 | Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Khusus Penyimpanan Arsip di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Batam | Anjelina, Anjelina |
1571077859 | Standard Procedure for Handling Letters Requesting Explanation of Data And/Or Information (SP2DK) at PT Jovindo Solusi Batam | Mustika, Mega |
1571077860 | Procedure for Recording the Recognition of Income Tax Article 23 Payable | Lanniari HS, Rizki; Aulia Saragih, Shavira Putri |
1571077865 | Manual Book Validation Digital of Land Book and Survey Certificate on Batam City Land Office | Amalia, Diah; Agustina, Ivory Raffel |
1571077870 | Analysis of the Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for Billing Management in the Infrastructure Business Unit of the PT PLN Batam | Hutagalung, Christine |
1571077912 | Calculation of Income Tax Article 26 Case Study in One of the Companies in Batam City | Rahmadani, Rista Faradhilla |
1571077913 | How to Solve Purchase Item Category Errors in the Company Application System | Az Zahra, Putri Firda |
1571077918 | Application of the EOQ Method for Inventory of Work Equipment and Spare Parts Departement of Electrical PT Bahtera Bahari Shipyard | Darmawan, Arif |
1571077926 | Manual Book Annual Corporate Tax Reporting Using PP 55 Year 2022 | Arifin, Muhammad Ridho |
Keynote Speakers

Pr. Martin Trépanier
Professor at École Polytechnique de MontréalDirector of CIRRELT - Interuniversity Research Center on Business Networks, Logistics, and Transportation

Pr. Thierry Delot
Professor of Laboratory of Automatics, Mechanics, and Industrial and Human Informatics, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Scott Victor Valentine
Professor of Enterpreneurship and Circular Economy, University of Brunei DarussalamFounder and Chairperson of Asia Circular

Abdessamad Ait El Cadi
Professor of Laboratory of Automatics, Mechanics, and Industrial and Human Informatics, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Mohd Syaiful Rizal Bin Abdul Hamid
Professor Dean in Faculty of Technology Management & Technopreneurship, University Teknikal Malaysia MelakaCommittees
Name | University, Nation |
Arniati, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA., CPA | Politeknik Negeri Batam, Indonesia |
Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin, S.Si., M.Sc | Politeknik Negeri Batam, Indonesia |
Ts. Dr. Nurulizwa, M.BA | Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia |
Dr. Laksmi Yustika Devi, S.P,M.Si | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
Dr. Mehran Nejati Ajibisheh | Cowan University, Australia |
Position | Name |
Steering Committee |
Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D
Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas, Ph.D Dr. Budi Sugandi, M.Eng Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, Ph.D Metta Santiputri, Ph.D |
Conference Director | Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas, Ph.D. |
Conference Chairperson | Mir'atul Khusna Mufida, PhD. |
Conference Secretary | Alrido Martha Devano |
Conference Treasurer I | Iassa Marelina Soraya |
Conference Treasurer II | Nora Andriyanti |
ICAESS Chair | Eddo Nanda Oktarici |
ICAESS Co-Chair | Fandy Bestario Harlan |
ICAESS Co-Chair | Yulinda |
ICAESS Co-Chair | Nadia Fathurrahmi Lawita |
ICAESS Co-Chair | Ayu Puspitasari |
ICAESS Co-Chair | Ancala Laras Putri |
ICAESS Chief Editor | Fuad Arif Rahman |
ICAESS Editorial Team | Vina Kholisa Dinuka |
ICAESS Editorial Team | Jessica Olifia |
ICAESS Editorial Team | Agus Supriyadi |
ICAESS Editorial Team | Rizky Lanniari |
Web Master and Design Coordinator | Iqbal Afif |
Web Master and Design Team | Allif Maulana |
Web Master and Design Team | Ade Anggara Oktamuria |